Kathy Scheel joined Sweet Adelines International in 1971 and has been directing, choreographing, and coaching     choruses and quartets ever since! The former director of Cowlitz Valley Chorus in Longview, WA, Columbia River     Chorus in Vancouver, WA, City of Roses Chorus in Portland, OR, and Northwest Harmony Chorus in Vancouver,     WA, she led these groups to win honors at regional competitions - including 2 Regional Championships, earning     them a spot at Sweet Adelines International Competitions in Houston, TX and Phoenix, AZ. She also sang Lead     in Columbia Connection Quartet, winning the Regional Championship twice (and she's got a drawer full of 2nd     place medals, too!).

    Kathy is passionate about helping others become stronger singers and better all-around performers. She served     on the Region 24 Management Team as Education Coordinator, and we were very proud when her service was     recognized by honoring her with the prestigious Rose Achievement Award.  She serves as a Region 12 Faculty     Member, Circle 12 President, and faculty for Harmony College Northwest.

    Before barbershop became her passion, Kathy played classical violin in symphony orchestras in Seattle and     Longview, WA, then switched to fiddle in the Silver Mountain Bluegrass Band. She also played bass and guitar,     and had a two-year stint as a recording studio musician.

Outside of her musical life with OSC, she is the extremely proud mother of Ken Scheel, a graduate of Western Oregon University, is retired and enjoying travel with friends.

Kathy encourages us to do our very best and has a great sense of humor. We laugh a lot while she expertly guides us through learning all the facets of singing four-part harmony in the barbershop style. She creates the best atmosphere for us to grow, not only as singers and performers, but as loving and caring individuals. We love our Kathy!